

PDA188 Synchronizer

PDA188 Synchronizer is an Outlook Add-In to synchronize Address, journal, ToDo and Memo Data between a PDA188 and Microsoft Outlook.

System requirements:

-Oregon Scientific PDA188. This PDA is also sold with different naming. I know about Tchibo (in Austria also Eduscho), where the PDA was sold as TCM PDA188.

-EasySync Synchronisation software, which comes with the PDA.

-Outlook 2000 or higher. Earlier versions of Outlook don't support COM-Add-Ins and therefore will not work.


Start the installation program by doubleclicking Setup.exe. It is recommended to install the program either in the directory proposed by the installation program (C:\program files\PDA188) or in the Microsoft office directory for Add-Ins.

After completing the installation program the Add-In must be activated in Outlook.

Select the menu entries Extras/Options to show the following dialog:

Choose the tab Others and then the button Extended Options  to show the following dialog:

Choose button COM-Add-Ins...

Press Button Add and change to the directory where you installed the Add-In ( (C:\Program files\PDA188).Select the file pda188.dll and choose the entry PDA188 in the list of available Add-Ins.:

Select this entry and press OK.

The Add-in adds a Submenu to the Outlook Standard symbol bar, so this bar should appear like this now.

The Add-In is succesfully installed now. For further information see the Online Help.

Contact: to avoid being spammed I do not publish an E-mail address here. You can find contact information in the About dialog box of the Add-In or in the Online Help. Don't hesitate to contact me, it's always nice to get feedback.

This program is published under the restrictions of the GNU General public License Logo